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Growing together

It takes a village to bring a community food system to fruition. Together, with surrounding farmers, artisans, chefs, educators and healthcare providers, The Villages Grown family will cultivate a shared vision to promote healthy eating and an engaged community. 

Look for the “V” on restaurant menus and know you’re being served just-picked, nutrient-dense produce.
Restaurant Network

New on the menu

Supplying restaurants and hotels in our community with The Villages Grown ingredients will give residents access to fresh, delicious, super healthy choices not just at home, but also when dining out. You’ll see The Villages Grown “V” symbol sprouting up on local area restaurant menus to indicate they’re serving up The Villages Grown produce.

Grocers Network

Fill your cart

In order to fuel healthy active lifestyles, Villagers need convenient access to just-picked ingredients just a quick golf car ride away. That’s why we’ve supplied our products to grocery stores and retailers, like Publix and Winn Dixie, throughout our community. And to share in the joy of locally grown food, we’ve also made our product available at stores in surrounding communities as well!

Healthcare Network

Nutrition matters

To fuel healthy bodies and minds, we’ve teamed up with healthcare providers in our community to not only give access to our nutrient-dense produce, but also work together to promote the impact healthy eating can have on your well being.


Growing knowledge

We want to help grow future farmers by partnering with schools and universities to give students the hands-on education they need in order to continue fueling our communities with healthy, nutritious produce. We’ve teamed up with the likes of Auburn University to bring internship programs to students in the Department of Agriculture so that future graduates are ready to enter the food industry with a solid foundation of knowledge and training.

“At Auburn University, we are committed to equipping students with the tools they will need to be successful in their careers upon graduation. A key piece to this puzzle is making sure that they have had transformational, hands-on learning experiences during their time at Auburn. In partnership with The Villages Grown, the Department of Horticulture is able to offer our students exactly this. This internship program at The Villages gives them the opportunity to gain applicable, industry specific experience while earning their degree. It takes a partner like The Villages to help us develop hard working, knowledgeable, industry-ready, passionate professionals. These future graduates will add tremendous value to the food industry so every bit of investment counts. We look forward to our continued relationship with The Villages. Thank you and War Eagle!”– Consulting Project Manager, Department of Horticulture, Auburn University